At NORTHLAND ELDER LAW we are committed to helping seniors and associated families with their estate planning needs. We have helped hundreds of clients protect their assets. Located in Liberty Missouri, we have over 30 years of experience, and provide legal services throughout Missouri. We can help you. Call us now for an experienced consultation at (816) 802-6767 or send an email to:
Estate Planning
Proper legal planning allows you to provide for your loved ones after you pass away, in accordance with your desires. It also allows you to maintain control of your assets while living, and provide for your care if you become disabled.
Estate planning is not only for the wealthy or elderly. Anyone with a desire to leave assets to loved ones will benefit from proper planning. Northland Elder Law has helped countless families properly plan for their future and their loved ones as well.
Proper planning must consider the unique circumstances of each family so that the documents are drafted in the correct way to insure the planning will work. We have read financial power of attorney documents created by other professionals that are worded in a way that do not allow for nursing home Medicaid planning. Unfortunately in some of these cases, it was too late to get a proper financial attorney document signed as the individual became incapacitated, and therefore the families were forced to spend down all of the assets. Avoid this devastating result by obtaining correct legal advice from Northland Elder Law.
The following are some of the legal documents utilized in estate planning:
Health Care Power of Attorney
Financial Power of Attorney
Revocable Trusts
Irrevocable Trusts